Rumor Has It!

Credits to google images

A movie...
A Song...

Well people can't live their lives without it! RUMOR!
Living in this world for the long twenty four years that has been proven and tested. They keep on minding others business not even looking if they can handle their own. People's culture, I can still remember the women in our place. Instead of having their siesta women would gather at a certain place and do the chit chatting about what happened to who and to who. This setting often took place on a small store (Sari-sari Store). It's like a headquarters when they have gathered enough information about someone.

So few days ago the instinct button on me was switched ON. This was a bout the guy I'm with. I've been hearing lots and lots but I don't really care. SERIOUSLY I DON'T CARE! I mean it. But then when all the pieces has been put together BOOOOOM! Baby! I got the puzzle complete! Sad to say it all falls in their rightful places.

I didn't want to confront the guy but they're PUSHING me to do so. So last night I did! Told him everything about the stuffs that I'm hearing and that it involves the number of girls his being with every night. (Different girls that is)
I for myself is not the unfair type of girl... as the song says till I hear it from you, I think that was from Gin Blossoms (Checking google right now) Hell Yeah it was! "Gracias GMG" I wanted to hear his side of the story.

 Days back before the puzzle started to complete he told me he would be busy trusting the guy and knowing him as a busy person I just said go do your thing... He told that he was to be piled up until the last day of the month. So I told my self that I'll just be doing the confrontation after all his busyness. But the Plan got F*#ked up. He saw me last night downtown and asked me WTF is the problem. Well knowing that communication is the key and that the truth will set you free. I told him about the RUMORS roaming around town. I have heard his side and the effort on making me hear him is good enough to let the issue go. And I quote "This is me, I can't do anything about it".

Always Remember:
"Acceptance is the Key"
"Move Forward"
"When your at the bottom most part of the pit the only way is UP"

We're good now.. even better and getting even more better!

ILY Palangga!


  1. You are super pretty!!

    I just wanted to let you know that i tagged you in my 11 Question Tag. I wait to see your answers!!

    Also ur blog is great, very creative... Keep up the great work!!



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