Breaking Up made easy!

Heads Up Mates!
I'm not a total heart breaker just so you know... I just came across this article due to my limitless possibilities of surfing and reading stuffs in the internet. (Thanks to my Glasses of course)
So one of the hardest hurtful decisions in life is breaking up with someone, it's even harder than moving on.
Of course how can you move on if you haven't been in any break up right?
But in reality its really easy, you just have to accept the fact that it's not working and admit each and every one's fault... After doing that it'll only leads you to making up or totally breaking up.

Putting your social networking status to single is a NO! NO! According to the article I've read where I took the tips below. I found it useful and just gonna be including my own perspective with every tip to make it more personal...

Breath in! Breath Out! Here's to Breaking up!!! :D

1) Talk Early and Often – The time of the actual breakup should not be the first time your partner is made aware that you have issues with how things are going. A good friend of mine is fond of saying that relationships are much like driving a car. As long as small steering corrections are made as one rolls down the road, a large jerk of the wheel should never be required.
So, rather than staying silent and suffering through a dreadful relationship until you can’t take it anymore, bring up issues with your partner as they come along. The prospect of conflict can be incredibly uncomfortable for some, but everyone deserves to hear where they are falling short. Real men aren’t afraid to clearly communicate their grievances when it is necessary.
If the relationship must be ended, your partner may still be hurt, but at least you will be able to lay out a strong case as to why you would be better apart than together.

-Although silence is know to be the most dangerous revenge and weapon in a sketchy relationship its not. It's not about avoiding commotions and arguments for nobody tolerates wrong doings. You may say that you don't wanna have endless and meaning less argument with your partner. It would not be meaningless if you know what you are pointing out. Saying where he/she is lacking gives you a slight chance of him/her changing it but staying quite wont give you any chance for him/her to change. How can he/she changed what he/she don't know.  "What you don't know won't hurt you" doesn't apply in this one. PS: Do it in a nice way NAGGING won't help in any way and would just make the situation worst! 

2) Always End It in Person – There is nothing more cowardly and pathetic than ending a relationship over the phone, or even worse, through an e-mail or text message. Yet, more and more men are finding this an acceptable medium for cutting ties.
If you can’t handle the prospect of ending a relationship in person, you shouldn’t start one in the first place.
Set a time and place to meet, and make sure that you give her your full attention (no texting or checking e-mail in the middle of the discussion). She deserves it. Will the situation be awkward and uneasy? Absolutely. But, being a man means giving everyone you enter into a relationship with the basic respect that comes with a face-to-face discussion.

AHA!!! Best example announcing your civil status on Social Networking sites can make you or break you. The power of technology is endless. It would be depending on the user if they could be responsible enough for the power given to them. Spiderman once says that "Great power comes great responsibility" which may apply in ticking your mouse and enter button on your keyboard. Breaking up already is hurtful, don't triple or quadruple the pain by doing it online or thru text. You may say that you just started the relationship online or via text messaging might as well end it online and thru text whats the difference. That's just letting out the chicken inside you. You where brave enough to have the relationship online (which BTW is so god damn risky) now be BRAVE enough to end it in person. A clear closure would put you both back to being friends. 

3) Be Clear – The breakup is not the time to be vague or mysterious. Your lady friend will most likely want some specific reasons why you want to end the relationship, so be ready to provide them. A non-answer like, “I’m just not feeling it anymore,” only shows that you are either a coward or a narcissist, but definitely not a man. You don’t necessarily need a record of wrongs, but having a mental list of things that led you down this road will help the discussion move in the right direction.
One of the most telling signs that a break-up was not handled in the proper manner is when your partner walks away still unsure of exactly where the relationship stands or why things played out the way they did. A real man will leave a relationship settled in a way that the woman understands why things were ended – she may not agree, but she is not confused, and if there are things for her to work on, she knows about them.

-NEVER say to your partner that YOU ARE STILL THERE even though you two already broke up. No ex-men wanted to be your bestfriend. You are just giving your partner false hope. There is no such thing as false hope. If he/she would be insisting of still being around you SAY NO!!!! You can't avoid him/her to hope that you guys can get back together because you are still paying attention. If you both talked about it and its not really working let it go. Cut the communication and stop running after each other. It will just make you stuck on a certain stage and that's "Being miserable" 

4) Be Considerate – While clarity is necessary, being cruel is not. Breaking up is hard enough without being demeaned or berated in the process. The breakup is not the time to be telling her that the dress she wore on your anniversary actually did make her look fat or that you’ve met dogs with better breath.
If possible, point out some of the positive things that came out of the relationship. Unless it was awful from beginning to end, there are most likely some good attributes of your partner that can be mentioned. In the end, try to be as much of a gentleman when ending the relationship as you were when you started it.

-This can be co-related to tip number one but on a slightly different way. In this one "what you don't know won't hurt you" applies here. Have the conversation the coolest way possible. Stop bringing up unwanted traits of you both besides your breaking up. End it nicely (in a way though) and part ways with smiles and no hard feelings. That way you won't be avoiding each other when came across the mall or a bar. 

5) No Hanging Chads – No one likes uncertainty. Remember the hanging chad controversy during the 2000 presidential election? The most frustrating aspect of the situation was not being able to tell who citizens had actually voted for. In the same way, men often leave the relationship in an unsettled manner with words that indicate a possibility of picking things up again in the future. Is it over? Is it not? No one knows.

-Tighten the loose ties! Goes with tip number three. Acceptance is the key after the conversation you will both figure out what you both have done wrong. Never say that it's your partners fault it's both your fault and if breaking up is the only solution accept it.

Besides, It was just a break up not the end of the world! (and my feminist side strikes on)

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