Rockstar's Creed


Jimi Hendrix

The Rolling Stones

The Ramones

Motley Crue

Ozzy Osbourne

The Doors


Those are just few Bands or should I say Legendary Bands That I myself Look up to.
I mean there are a lot more Bands out there that I listen to even heavy metals and all that but the point in this blog is not the bands that I love and I listen to. Its the Essence of the what we grew up yo as the Rockstar's Creed: SEX DRUGS and ROCKnROLL. 

The Philippine Government is Slowly killing the rockstars inside every Filipino with the laws they are creating. First the Cyber crime law... a violation to every man's freedom of speech via a certain mode of communication. 

Another the The Sintax Bill Wow putting Overpriced taxes on Liquors and Cigarettes and other amusements such as Gambling its not fair. If the Philippine Government is lacking funds to settle all the debts the previous President did the Citizens are not the ones to suffer. 

And now this... The very controversial RH Bill. Killing life before it would be called life itself which by the way involves sex of course. Don't they realize how many contraceptive companies would sprout out like shrooms in every part of the country selling drugs to prevent pregnancy because we need to abide with law. Drug manufacturers that won't think of the perfection of every contraceptive as long as they could just sell their product? Not even studying possible side effects that could lead to killing people who are using it. 

It would be just for the MONEY not the happiness every Filipino Need. What will happen to the happiest race in the world????? Ain't that a violation of Sex Drugs RocknRoll????


  1. Hi Nikki! It's Kamila :)
    I just want to say that I don't quite understand what you mean about the RH Bill? As far as what I've read about the bill is that no one is forced to take any contraceptives, it's about educating people about the different methods they can use (if they even want to use them). With this education, they can make informed decision with their doctor about what they can use while taking into account health concerns. Plus it states in the bill that the contraceptives that will be sold would have to be approved by the FDA.

    I'm just saying, the bill has a lot of things other than contraceptives that can help provide better health care for mothers while also providing information about their sexual health and I don't think that's a bad thing at all :)

  2. ei Kams!!! Maybe i was just sooooo into the catholics side of it... I've heard discussions about drug companies and manufacturer and it was really annoying... I'll take time to some more reading thanks. BTW Miss you!


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